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Movers & Shakers

10 March 2005
Ruth Anderson, Terry Moore, Michael Caden, Anthony Rose, Tracy Fisher, Teresa Lee; David Blake; Ian Roberts; Colin Chamberlain


POSITION Vice Chairman
BACKGROUND Ruth Anderson has been appointed as a Vice Chairman of KPMG LLP reporting to Mike Rake UK senior partner of KPMG LLP and Chairman of KPMG International. Ruth — who joined KPMG in 1976 — will continue to work closely with clients across a range of sectors. The post of Vice Chairman is also held by Alistair Johnston Philip Wallace and Derek Zissman.
A chartered accountant and member of the Chartered Institute of Taxation by training Ruth was a member of the UK Board of KPMG LLP from 1998 to 2004 acting as chairman of the Nomination Committee member of the Audit Committee member of the Property Committee and Board sponsor for diversity.
Ruth joined KPMG as a trainee accountant in 1976 with a degree in French and Spanish. After working in the...

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