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Another confession!

Jan 30, 2009, 06:28 AM
Authors : Allison
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Post date : Jan 30, 2009, 06:28 AM

After hearing Mike's confession about filing two days early, I too had to admit to bottling it and doing my tax return last night.

I feel I retain slightly more Taxation cred than Mike, because at least it was about one o'clock in the morning of 30 January when I submitted mine, so technically it was only ONE day early.

And like Mike, I agree that the process was straightforward - for someone with pretty easy tax affairs at any rate.

But that doesn't mean no improvements are needed to HMRC's SA Online.

Why, for example, does it tell me that my 2007-08 tax code included an underpayment of tax when it didn't?

The only way to move on was to click 'yes', which is totally illogical.

When it comes to telling me how much tax to pay, why doesn't it remind me about the payments on account that I have already made for 2007-08, instead of waiting for me to recover from a heart attack when I see the apparent total balancing payment outstanding?

Finally, and I know this leaves me open to potential flack, why does it ask me if

I am a 'practicing barrister' rather than a 'practising barrister'?

Otherwise, SA Online: I love you!

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