The Taxation time machine must have crash-landed in the 1980s this morning. First, there was much talk of August '89, when the Sega Mega Drive and the option to tax for VAT were the hottest new things. Then I happened upon a story concerning John Farnham. For those who don't recall - or have tried to forget - Mr Farnham is a middle-of-the-road Australian singer whose only UK hit was the bombastic You're the Voice in 1987. (The single got to number six in the charts and had a bit in the chorus that went 'Whoa, oh, ohhhhhhh!'.) It seems that he was 'the first to call celebrity tax cheat Glenn Wheatley as he stepped out of jail' earlier this week. Mr Wheatley is an Aussie music manager who channelled about £320,000 through Swiss trusts in a series of tax fraud schemes. His dastardly wranglings, which earned him 15 months in nick, saw him avoid paying 156 grand in tax earned from a John Farnham tour. I'm sure the singer's visit to his disgraced colleague was a forgiving one. After all, was it not he who sang: 'We have/The chance to turn pages over'?
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