Sorry, my mistake: Den Dover. Another day, more controversial MPs' or MEPs' expenses. Den has been paying up to £100,000 of his European Parliamentary expenses each year into a company, MP Holdings. Den says he’s in the clear 'cos, unlike his mate Giles Chichester, he has no involvement in the company, having resigned back in 1999. That’s OK then. Just thought I’d like to clear that up. Who actually runs the company, then? Ah, yes... that would be his wife and daughter. Presumably they are the ones responsible for the purchase of two Beemers although there seems to be some doubt as to whether MEPs' expenses should be used in that way. Kathleen (Mrs D) and Amanda (daughter D) are paid £40,000 and £30,000 per year respectively for their secretarial duties. That’s the same Amanda who apparently works for most of the week at a travel agency. Still, always good to earn a bit extra at the weekend. I reckon these guidelines could be good news for those considering how much to pay their spouse or kids for helping out in the family firm.
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