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Brewer Morris five-a-side football tournament

Aug 20, 2008, 07:56 AM
Authors : Richard
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Post date : Aug 20, 2008, 07:56 AM

Last Friday, recruitment consultants Brewer Morris organised an afternoon of football in Southwark with ten teams from the tax departments of lawyers, accountancy practices and multi-nationals paying an entrance fee which went to the benefit of the children’s cancer charity, CLIC Sargent.

The teams – from Diageo, HW Fisher, McGrigors, Paul Hastings, PKF, PwC, Smith & Williamson, Taylor Wessing and Unilever – were divided into two leagues of five teams and the winners and runners-up of each league then played each other to achieve footballing honour and the Taxation trophy.

After a competitive afternoon’s play - as illustrated by the scoreboard - the teams from HW Fisher and Diageo met in the final match, with HW Fisher’s media tax group the winners.

We understand that the trophy will take pride of place in their trophy cabinet.

HW Fisher
Paul Hastings
Taylor Wessing
The referees
The Taxation trophy

The action
Going for goal
McGrigors v HW Fisher
Diageo v PwC
HW Fisher v Taylor Wessing
HW Fisher v Diageo
Diageo v Paul Hastings
Unsighted goalie

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