Like I said, I'm not the greatest schmoozer, and the lessons learned yesterday morning hadn't had time to sink in by the evening, when my colleagues and I found ourselves at a CIOT bash to launch the new CTA exam structure. The shindig was held at the LEWIS Media Centre in Millbank Tower, London. Nice place it is, with classic Private Eye covers and Gerald Scarfe artwork adorning the walls. So, I thought that if I stood still enough for long enough, someone might mistake me for one of Scarfe'smacabre caricatures and stop to admire me - and then I'd have someone with whom to chat. Amazingly, my ridiculous plan worked. Soon I was prattling on at the charming Sarah Allatt, a senior manager at PwC. After a little while, she slipped off to work the room some more, and I became engaged in idle conversation (and enthusiastic snack-eating) with a couple of other guests. When we were all ushered into an auditorium for a presentation, I chose the first row of seats from the back that I could slip along - and I found myself sitting next to Ms Allatt. 'Oh, mercy!' I squirmed internally. 'She'll think I'm stalking her or at least assume I'm so lonely and pathetic that I've latched on to her for the evening.' However, she displayed no external signs of distress and remained perfectly pleasant. Following addresses by CIOT Rob Ellerby and John Beattie, there was a short film on a large screen, featuring interviews with people involved, one way or another, with the CTA exams. The third interviewee, being interogated by Ian Caplin (no, me neither)? Why, it was one Sarah Allatt. To return to, click here.