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Apr 2, 2008, 09:58 AM
Authors : Daniel
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Post date : Apr 2, 2008, 09:58 AM
As someone's husband, I have a great deal of emotional turmoil to look forward to.
I won't insult my wife (or readers' intelligence) by now making some tired, unfunny remark about nagging or in-laws.
Nevertheless, this post may still alarm my better half because what I'm referring to is that harbinger of sorrow, divorce.
According to new figures from the Office for National Statistics, almost half of marriages in England and Wales are likely to end with permanent separation.
Considering both that bleak fact and my own frequently rotten luck, being given the ol' Spanish archer (el bow. Geddit?) by the missus seems horribly inevitable.
However, it's not all bad news, as Grant Thornton is keen to remind us.
The company has highlighted the positive tax aspects of divorce in early April.
Apparently, the beginning of a new tax year is a grand time for husbands and wives to go their separate ways because it 'can leave both parties with time to split their possessions more [tax] efficiently'.
And with adequate tax and financial planning, hubby and wifey can both be 'significantly better off'.
Grant Thornton then goes into long, painful detail about CGT, IHT and other tax-related issues raised by a divorce. You can read all about it here.
There's a whole lot of financial planning a couple can make to prepare for a split, it would seem.
I'm not sure I want to tempt fate so blatantly.
I'll stick to trusting in doing all that a good husband should: showering every day, compromising on matters of decor, and doing my share of the housework.

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