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Down the pub

Nov 2, 2008, 09:54 AM
Authors : Richard
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Post date : Nov 2, 2008, 09:54 AM
Memory stick, pub car park: you don't actually need to know anymore, do you?
You know what's coming next; yep, another day, another loss of computer information.
This time it’s a memory stick with user names and passwords for the Government Gateway system, which was found in a pub car park.
The BBC reports that ‘subcontractor Atos Origin, which lost the stick, said there had been a "direct breach" of its procedures. It said the matter was being taken "extremely seriously" but the integrity of the website, which is temporarily closed, had not been compromised.’
Hey, but that’s a brilliant idea on how to permanently protect the integrity of websites – close them down!
Anyway, Atos Origin, who are they?
A brief search leads to the company website which informs us that ‘Atos Origin is incorporated in France as a "société anonyme" (Joint Stock Corporation) with a Management Board and a Supervisory Board. This two-tier structure separates management and supervision, helping achieve sound corporate governance.’
‘Anonyme’ – the clue’s in the word – that’s how the information should stay – anonymous.

Given the potential for (a) the ease with which computer memory sticks can be misused and (b) the ease with which they can be lost, I cannot understand how they have not been banned from the premises of companies dealing with the security of confidential data.
Still, I suppose it could have been worse; the stick could have been lost at the end of January rather than the end of October.

That would have made for interesting times for tax return filing.

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