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Exam time

Jul 25, 2008, 05:13 AM
Authors : Richard
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Post date : Jul 25, 2008, 05:13 AM
The latest issues of Taxation and Taxation 2 contain the pass lists from the May 2008 CTA and ATT exams.
It did occur to me whether seeing the lists of the names of those who have now passed their exams and are eligible for membership of the CIOT and ATT would provoke the same sort of response in readers that one often gets sitting slumped in front of the TV with a mug of coffee and a half-eaten packet of biscuits while watching the London marathon.
Basically the thought – and I can’t believe that it’s only me – of ‘Hey, next year I’m gonna do that’.
This is usually followed by a more immediate thought: ‘Hmmm. I wonder if there are any more of these chocolate chip cookies in the kitchen?’.
Followed by the inevitable, ‘Can I be bothered to drag myself into the kitchen to look for them?’.
Of course you can’t.

If you do, you might never find out whether the two guys dressed as a pantomime cow get across Tower Bridge without falling over the guy who’s just collapsed 100 yards in front of them.
Let’s face it: life’s all about prioritising – and, hey, those guys in the cow outfit aren’t worried about whether you can make it out to the kitchen without having a coronary!
Get your tax career fit by signing up with those fitness for tax fanatics at Tolley Training, and include regular reading of Taxation and Taxation 2 in your regime.
We’ll have your tax career jogging along at a cracking pace before you can say ‘Maryland’... er, I mean ‘marginal rate tax band’.

Don’t be a physical jerk, trot on down to
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