Pity anyone in the vicinity of SNLS-04D2dc: the star was recently seen to go supernova. Shortly before the event, inhabitants of the galactically nearby planet Zog were again reminded by The Royal Tax Inspection and Collection Department of His Imperial Zogness ('All Hail His Imperial Zogness!') of the importance of filing their tax returns for the last zogidereal year. An automatic penalty of 100 zogs would apply for those forms that came in after the 31 Zoguary, and yet another attempt was made to improve compliance, which had stubbornly remained at very poor levels ever since the introduction of zog-assessment ten zogyears previously. His Imperial Zogness, Zog the 257th ('All Hail His Imperial Zogness!'), had just ruled that zoglings who continued to put off the submission of their returns would have one tentacle removed for every month’s delay thereafter. The fact that this would mean zoglings would only run out of tentacles after 200 zogmonths (or 20 zogyears) seems to have slipped by the notice of the Tax Inspection and Collection Department (as apparently had their customers’ ability to regrow tentacles). Because it prevented the state from reaping the benefit of the plan, it was also a shame that annihilation came so soon after the introduction of online Pay As You Zog, which although it had cost the Zogstate almost one billion zogs, had been adjudged a great success. This was unlike the abolition of the 10% tax band which had almost led to a revolution on Zog. Although all zogetary decisions were in fact taken by His Imperial Zogness ('All Hail His Imperial Zogness!'), he somehow cunningly managed to divert the blame for this decision onto his Chancellor, who had all his tentacles removed in one go. Zoglings were consequently expecting a somewhat more considered zogetary policy in the future. It was just a shame that they didn’t have one…