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The state we're in

20 May 2008 / Philip Ridgway
Issue: 4159 / Categories: Comment & Analysis , Employees , Income Tax , VAT
When is a long-term objective a transitional measure, asks PHILIP RIDGWAY

Governments govern. They introduce new laws and repeal old ones. In governing they have to make difficult decisions.

Sometimes those decisions might be wrong; or a government might simply change its mind about the wisdom of an earlier decision; or a government might decide that an alternative course might better achieve its policy objectives.

In doing this a government might repeal laws that it itself introduced. This it is entitled to do. If the electorate does not like what the government does it can elect a different government. This is democracy. This is how it is in the UK.

What governments do not do is rewrite history. Rewriting history is the stuff of police states; it is the stuff of totalitarianism; it is the stuff of George Orwell's 1984. This is not how it is in the UK.

Or is it?

The story of the abolition of the 10%...

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