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New queries, issue 4241

02 February 2010
Issue: 4241 / Categories: Forum & Feedback
Invoicing early to avoid new higher rate of tax; tax due on sale of basement flats; ensuring a child’s savings are tax free; money laundering obligations

Exclusive deal

My client receives a very substantial lump sum each year under an exclusivity deal with a television company. The final payment falls due in July 2010 and covers the year to June 2011.

 With the introduction of the new 50% tax rate band for 2010/11 I was contemplating invoicing the TV company on 31 March 2010 to bring forward the chargeability of the income to the current year.

I am happy with the consequences insofar as it will accelerate payments of tax and VAT. However would this also save personal tax as I am hoping?

I am also wondering whether – to mitigate tax liabilities – some or all of my client’s income could be invoiced via a limited company. Do Taxation readers have any suggestions in that regard?

For example would all such income have to be dealt with in that way or could...

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