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Taxing retirement

02 February 2010 / Rebecca Benneyworth
Issue: 4241 / Categories: Comment & Analysis
Computing the tax liabilities of older taxpayers can be a complex task, as REBECCA BENNEYWORTH demonstrates

The computation of tax liabilities for elderly taxpayers is complicated by a number of factors not least the abatement of the age allowance when income exceeds the limit.

The best way to understand the rules is to follow a number of computations and in this extract from Tolley’s Taxwise 2009-10 we look at some detailed computations for a variety of situations including a tax credit claim. Note that the effective rate of tax/tax credit withdrawal is 40% or more for all of the taxpayers except Mrs Partid after she is widowed.

The single man

Richard White is a single man aged 68 with pension income of £23 000 building society income of £2 600 (gross) and dividend income of £180 plus dividend tax credits of £20. He paid a gift aid payment of £800 (net) to his local church during the year. The income tax payable...

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