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'Whatever HMRC do, we will deal with it'

21 February 2011 / Mike Truman
Categories: Christopher Lunn
An assured Christopher Lunn speaks to MIKE TRUMAN

I spoke to Christopher Lunn the proprietor of the accountancy Christopher Lunn & Co (CLAC) shortly after his victory in the case for judicial review against a decision by HMRC to terminate his firm’s tax agent status.

CLAC have written to their clients to say it won its case and that ‘HMRC have told us that they do not intend to appeal the judgment’. However the Revenue would not confirm this to Taxation.

Mr Lunn insisted there would be no appeal and Taxation understands this is on the basis that a joint order has been agreed between the two parties’ QCs.

During the case HMRC explained it would take some time to re-enter an agent onto their computer systems because a new agent code would first have to be generated and the agent then re-entered for each...

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