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Seagull check-off

29 January 2013 / Mike Truman
Issue: 4388 / Categories: Comment & Analysis , Admin
MIKE TRUMAN lists the lessons learned at a workshop on the single compliance process.

Pressure of space meant that I was not able to return to the outcome of the Working Together single compliance process workshop held at Taxation’s offices and reported two weeks ago.

If you read the article you will remember that an investigation into a gastro pub which looked to be on course for settlement once private bank statements had been seen by HMRC was about to be derailed because one of the business owners had confessed to not having declared payments for providing external catering.

The payments had been received in cash and the supplier providing the food had also been paid in cash with the balance being paid into the personal bank account – the statements for which were now about to be passed to HMRC.

The practitioners at the case study were asked how they would now advise their clients...

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