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HMRC – Her Majesty’s Roller Coaster

15 September 2014 / Mike Thexton
Issue: 4469 / Categories: Reviews , Investigations

By Daniel Dover and Tim Hindle; £5.59; paperback; 124 pages; Profile Books

As a non-specialist who twice faced the trauma of an HMRC investigation I appreciate the need for a handy non-technical guide to explain the procedure.

I also appreciate the second of the ten tips given at the end: “Get expert advice at the outset”. I did and found it invaluable.

This book is highly readable: the cartoons by Pugh are numerous relevant and funny and the text is broken up into short chapters covering aspects of the investigation process causes of investigations tactics and outcomes.

It is stock with amusing and informative anecdotes such as the foolishness of paying your contract settlement from a bank account not disclosed to HMRC.

With any luck the book will frighten the reader into realising investigations are something best left to experts and the cost of fees is likely to be much less than...

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