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Andrew Tyrie calls for independent analysis to settle MTD costs

04 April 2017
Issue: 4594 / Categories: News

Calls for independent analysis after conflicting assessments.

An independent analysis of the compliance cost of HMRC’s Making Tax Digital (MTD) plans is required to resolve conflicting views by the Treasury and the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) say MPs.

Andrew Tyrie chair of the House of Commons’ Treasury Committee has asked the Administrative Burdens Advisory Board (ABAB) for its thoughts on the costs to small businesses of complying with the new obligations under MTD.

In a letter he wrote: ‘I recognise that you do not have the capacity to carry out detailed analyses for the committee and that it is not your role to state definitively that one of them is right and the other wrong. But I consider that the committee’s evaluation would greatly benefit from any insights that you can offer on the likely impact on businesses based on your network of contacts with businesses and accountants.’

In February ...

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