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GAAR panel’s opinion on employee reward scheme

15 August 2017 / Andrew Hubbard
Issue: 4612 / Categories: Comment & Analysis

Start of something big


  • The GAAR panel has an advisory role and HMRC is not obliged to follow its opinions.
  • The scheme concerned tripartite arrangements to move assets and liabilities between the employer employee and EBT.
  • The panel concluded the arrangements were not a reasonable course of action.
  • The opinion will allow HMRC to issue accelerated payment notices.

The background to this dates to 2011 when the government commissioned Graham Aaronson to produce a report on whether the UK should introduce a general anti-avoidance rule. He rejected the case for a wide-ranging anti-avoidance rule as such but recommended the introduction of a more narrowly based anti-abuse rule.

This was accepted and after much discussion the GAAR was...

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