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Claiming charitable tax reliefs

30 May 2018 / Robin Marks
Issue: 4649 / Categories: Comment & Analysis , Trusts

Charitable consultation


  • Tax reliefs for charities are worth about £3.77bn a year while those for individual donors are worth an estimated £1.47bn.
  • Reliefs available include business rate relief gift aid donations and VAT and inheritance tax reliefs.
  • Consultation allows stakeholders to give their opinions on the current system and improve its efficiency and effectiveness.
  • VAT-registered charities are unlikely to recover all their input VAT – an estimated annual cost of £1.5bn.
  • Awareness of gift aid is high but only 22% of higher and additional rate taxpayers claim personal tax relief on their donations.
  • Government wants more services provided by the voluntary sector. Could this be funded by improved and easily accessible tax reliefs. 

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