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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration

taxpayers charter

Do HMRC provide a service in line with their pledges to the taxpayer?

Revenue presents argument in Lunn judicial review

CIOT hails 'important step in taxpayer-taxman relations'

Company directors see scope for improvement
The final draft of the taxpayers ... no, the HMRC ... no, Your Charter has been published. MIKE TRUMAN thinks it is much improved
'1991 document was about protecting taxpayers'
Document praised for focus on taxpayers' rights
MIKE TRUMAN regrets the lack of transparency concerning the latest draft of the taxpayers (or should that be HMRC?) charter
MARK MCLAUGHLIN considers how the new penalty regime for errors might be used as the basis for HMRC to pay compensation for their mistakes or delays
'"Computer says no" routine is now the norm at HMRC'
ANDY WELLS wants a debate about HMRC’s ‘Purpose, vision and way’
Document is more like mission statement, says trade body
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