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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration

Issue: Vol 159, Issue 4100

22 Mar 2007
KARL VERNUM explains that the mechanics of the late night working exemption are under scrutiny.
STEP's Technical Committee examines the new test for trustee residence and how this will affect trusts in offshore jursidictions such as in Jersey and elsewhere.
LESLEY STALKER explains that timesheets are not the route to profitability.
MIKE TRUMAN unearths a copy of the 2006/07 tax return pages dealing with non residence, and finds that there have been some interesting changes.
When does £8,500 mean £50,000, asks PHILIP FISHER. Answer: when it is put in the context of form P11D benefit reporting.
My client is a lecturer in finance. For some years he has been employed by a UK-based educational establishment, presenting courses there on about 60 days a year, as well as running a consultancy...
We have an elderly client whose only income is the state pension. The pension is 'covered' by her personal allowances and she does not have a tax liability. Last July, the pension office wrote to our...
Correspondence from readers on topical subjects. No error The second part of Colin Kendon's article, 'Harry's options', (Taxation, 15 February 2006, page 193, discussed the impact of Enterprise...
I sold some shares at a gain. The shares were all acquired at the same time and were of mixed use for taper purposes. Within three years, I subscribed for some shares in another company for cash. The...
I have a client whose business was incorporated on 1 February 2003. There was a shortfall of assets to liabilities on incorporation and this was duly debited to a director's loan account. To avoid a...
Reviewed by PETER S VAINES, Squire Sanders & Dempsey.
TaxAid conference 'Tax incentives for business', 23/2/07
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