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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration
Issue: Vol 163, Issue 4197

Issue: Vol 163, Issue 4197

26 Feb 2009
The case of Blackburn makes MIKE TRUMAN think that he had better tidy up his desk
MIKE THEXTON and NEIL WARREN warn advisers to be aware of three important issues discussed with HMRC in relation to the flat rate scheme
CHARLES GOTHARD, LISA-JANE FAWCETT and SIMON JENNINGS look at the deductibility of trust expenses against income in the light of the Peter Clay decision

The inconsistency and lack of clarity in HMRC’s guidance

Nearly every claim overlooked until district is prompted
HMRC have extended a company investigation into the director’s tax affairs. What are the requirements to do this and what are the limitations?
Evidence of a very long case
An ordained priest performs christenings, weddings and funeral services for which he charges a fee. He also holds weekly services at a church that he hires for this purpose. Can the hire charge be set...
HMRC failures experienced over the past year
The expiry date of pre-paid envelopes
Tax relief due on partnership loan interest; director’s drawings from company; transferring directors’ loan accounts; leaseholds to shareholders
Online FAQs need updating
A self-employed lecturer teaches at several colleges and universities. Can the cost of travel between his home and those colleges be treated as a tax-deductible expense?
A non-UK domiciled individual returns to live in the UK after working abroad for several years. Can the overseas earnings be remitted to the UK without incurring a charge to tax?
OECD highlights rise of evaders and money launderers
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