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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration
Issue: Vol 176, Issue 4531

Issue: Vol 176, Issue 4531

15 Dec 2015

A cautionary Christmas tale of taxation for our troubled times.

TaxAid and Tax Help for Older People can help taxpayers.

Significance of specifying the nil rate.

VAT rules on Christmas gifts and parties.

The latest consultation document on company distributions.

The tax advantages of charitable giving and the Gift Aid scheme.

The inheritance tax implications of a distribution from a trust.

Entitlement to only or main residence relief on jointly-owned farmhouses.

Two directors of a VAT-registered company have issued personal invoices.

Properties transferred to an Isle of Man company are now to be sold.

Arising remittance; Minority valuation; Parking permit; Disaster project

Had enough of the Christmas celebrations? Why not have a go at this crossword compiled by Robert Leach?

Savings Directive 2003/48/EC on information exchange on private savings income.

HMRC initiative in time of need.

Happy Christmas!;  Intangible assets;  RTI;  SRIT;  Pensions

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