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Working together

14 July 2015 / Robert Maas
Issue: 4509 / Categories: Comment & Analysis , working with tax agents , Admin , Policy

HMRC do not understand the agent/client relationship


  • HMRC’s plans on working with tax agents were recently explained by director general Jim Harra.
  • What exactly is the nature of the relationship between HMRC and tax agents?
  • Do HMRC want to collect the right amount of tax or as much as possible?
  • Being pragmatic in negotiations with HMRC should not be seen as non-compliance.
  • Are HMRC prepared to work with agents as equals?

In a recent Q&A article for Tax Journal the replies by HMRC’s director-general for business tax Jim Harra appeared to have generated a fair amount of unrest and even anger among tax agents.

I suspect that was not Harra’s intention. When I read the article – “HMRC’s plans on working with tax agents” – I glossed over it.


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