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Taxation magazine celebrates its 90th birthday

03 October 2017 / Richard Curtis
Issue: 4618 / Categories: Comment & Analysis

90 and all that jazz

The past may be a foreign country but perhaps not everything is done differently there. Ninety years ago this week – smack in the middle of the Jazz Age – Taxation magazine sprang apparently fully formed from the mind of its editor Ron Staples into a world that was it seemed becoming increasing concerned with the vagaries of the tax system. At the time I wonder whether it had the same impact as The Jazz Singer the first movie with speech which was released in the same week. However 90 years later  Taxation is still published weekly – as it was continuously through the second world war – and when did you last see that film on TV? Although the details of some of what appeared in that first issue are now lost in the mists of time – the Housing (Assisted Schemes) Account and...

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