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In Parliament - VAT and churches

01 August 2001
Issue: 3818 / Categories:

In reply to a question about the timetable for the introduction of VAT relief on listed places of worship, Mr Boateng gave the following Written Answer:

In reply to a question about the timetable for the introduction of VAT relief on listed places of worship, Mr Boateng gave the following Written Answer:

'The European Commission has indicated that a reduced VAT rate for repairs to listed places of worship will be considered in the Commission's general review of reduced rates that will take place in 2003. In the meantime, the Government is working on the introduction of a United Kingdom-wide grant scheme to help congregations with the cost of repairs and maintenance of listed buildings that are used as places of worship. The effect will be equivalent to a reduction in VAT to 5 per cent on repairs commenced on or after 1 April 2001.'

(Source: Hansard, 18 July 2001, Volume 372, No 23, col 215W.)

Issue: 3818 / Categories:
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