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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration

Diary date

13 February 2002
Issue: 3844 / Categories:

Key Haven Publications plc is holding an afternoon seminar, 'Tax and EC VAT' at the Law Society's Hall, 113 Chancery Lane, London WC2 on Friday 1 March, 1.30pm.

Jonathan Peacock QC will look at general principles of European Community law, and Kevin Prosser QC will examine some recent tax cases. Robert Venables QC will speak on the abuse of rights, Westmoreland, Halifax and tax avoidance, as well as chairing the event.

Key Haven Publications plc is holding an afternoon seminar, 'Tax and EC VAT' at the Law Society's Hall, 113 Chancery Lane, London WC2 on Friday 1 March, 1.30pm.

Jonathan Peacock QC will look at general principles of European Community law, and Kevin Prosser QC will examine some recent tax cases. Robert Venables QC will speak on the abuse of rights, Westmoreland, Halifax and tax avoidance, as well as chairing the event.

The attendance fee is £395 plus VAT, and further information is available from Key Haven Publications, tel: 020 7731 7700, e-mail:

Issue: 3844 / Categories:
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