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Other news

30 October 2002
Issue: 3881 / Categories:

Technology slip

The telephone number for Digita is incorrect in the technology supplement published with Taxation 24 October, and the correct number is 01395 270273.


Computerised risks

The Irish Revenue is to install a computerised risk analysis system which will assist in selecting higher risk cases for audit and investigation.

Technology slip

The telephone number for Digita is incorrect in the technology supplement published with Taxation 24 October, and the correct number is 01395 270273.


Computerised risks

The Irish Revenue is to install a computerised risk analysis system which will assist in selecting higher risk cases for audit and investigation.

Sophisticated software will be used to compare and interrogate data held in the Revenue's computer systems, and to generate risk profiles of likely tax evaders. Over time, the Revenue intends to be in a position to screen all tax returns electronically by devising and applying certain 'rules' which indicate risk using all available information.

(Source: Irish Revenue press release dated 15 October 2002.)

Issue: 3881 / Categories:
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