The Centre for Tax Law is organising a series of seminars at the University of Cambridge in 2002-03 on issues in determining profits of businesses. The seminars will look more closely at the experience of other countries both in this regard and more generally. The sessions will last approximately from 10am to 4.15pm, and the fee is £45 (£35 for members of The Chartered Institute of Taxation).
Application forms can be obtained from:
Valerie Reed at
The Centre for Tax Law is organising a series of seminars at the University of Cambridge in 2002-03 on issues in determining profits of businesses. The seminars will look more closely at the experience of other countries both in this regard and more generally. The sessions will last approximately from 10am to 4.15pm, and the fee is £45 (£35 for members of The Chartered Institute of Taxation).
Application forms can be obtained from:
Valerie Reed at
The seminar dates and speakers follow:
Tuesday 12 November, Queens' College: Professor Dr Manfred Moessner, professor of tax law University of Osnabruck and founder of the European Association of Tax Law Professors
Monday 9 December, Law Faculty: Professor Dr Peter Essers, professor of tax law and director of the Tax Institute University of Tilburg
Wednesday 15 January, Queens' College: Dr Daniel Guttman, Faculte de droit, University of Paris
Friday 21 February, Queens' College: Hugh Ault, professor, Boston College, United States and adviser to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Friday 14 March, Law Faculty: Professor Peter Melz, professor of tax law, Law Faculty, University of Stockholm.
Key Haven Publications is holding three full-day conferences in London at the end of November and early in December.
The first is on 26 November 2002 when a corporate tax conference will examine topics such as the substantial shareholdings exemption, developments in double tax relief, and tax and accounting. Speakers include Robert Venables QC, Kevin Prosser QC and Philip Baker QC.
On 6 December 2002, Reg Nock will chair a stamp duty conference at which additional speakers are Patrick Cannon and Jack Harper. This conference will examine current issues in stamp duty planning and will include a panel session on planning and troubleshooting.
On 10 December 2002, a conference on tax planning for high net worth individuals has sessions by seven members of the Tax Bar, including Andrew Thornhill QC, Robert Venables QC and Stephen Brandon QC, examining topics such as offshore trusts, tax shelters, strategies for executives and sale of shares in private companies.
For further details of all three conferences together with booking requirements, contact Key Haven on 020 7731 7700.
Stanton Douglas Taxation Courses and Seminars is holding the following courses in December.
'Practical solutions to capital gains tax business problems', will be held on 2 December, 2pm to 5.30pm at HQ Global Workplaces, London SW1. The course will be presented by Robert Jamieson MA, FCA, FTII.
'Tax planning for non-domiciliaries', is on 4 December, 1.30pm to 5pm at Simpson's-in-the-Strand, London WC2. The speaker will be Andrew Burgess.
The attendance fee for each course is £165, and further information is available from Stanton Douglas, tel: 020 8240 4444.
IBC UK Conferences is holding a conference on critical post Budget tax planning for foreign domiciliaries and offshore trusts and companies on 5 December 2002 at the London Marriott Hotel, Grosvenor Square. The speakers are Barry McCutcheon, Patrick Soares, and Brian Dunk.
The attendance fee is £699 plus VAT, and further information is available by calling Laura Beachus on 01932 893854.