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In Parliament

17 November 2004
Issue: 3984 / Categories:


In Parliament

Band Aid

No VAT will effectively be collected on sales of the new Band Aid record and the Live Aid DVD, Gordon Brown, Chancellor of the Exchequer announced in reply to a written question. He said that 'the Government will make a one-off donation to the Band Aid Charitable Trust equivalent to the VAT collected' on these sales.

(Hansard, 8 November 2004, Vol 426, No 151, col 509W.)


In Parliament

Band Aid

No VAT will effectively be collected on sales of the new Band Aid record and the Live Aid DVD, Gordon Brown, Chancellor of the Exchequer announced in reply to a written question. He said that 'the Government will make a one-off donation to the Band Aid Charitable Trust equivalent to the VAT collected' on these sales.

(Hansard, 8 November 2004, Vol 426, No 151, col 509W.)


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Issue: 3984 / Categories:
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