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Replies to Queries

26 January 2005
Issue: 3992 / Categories:

Going loco with HoldCo?

I act for a trading group — TopCo, which has a number of trading subsidiaries. The group has just acquired a holding company (HoldCo) which owns one trading subsidiary. The shareholders of TopCo would like to remove the holding company so that TopCo owns the trading subsidiary directly.

Please could readers suggest a method of achieving this?

Going loco with HoldCo?

I act for a trading group — TopCo, which has a number of trading subsidiaries. The group has just acquired a holding company (HoldCo) which owns one trading subsidiary. The shareholders of TopCo would like to remove the holding company so that TopCo owns the trading subsidiary directly.

Please could readers suggest a method of achieving this?

Hiving up the trade and assets of the subsidiary to the holding company and then swapping the names won't work as there are many leases in place that make this approach unwieldy.

I feel as though I am missing the obvious and any assistance from readers would be gratefully received!

Query T16,545)

Issue: 3992 / Categories:
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