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Update - Parliament

16 October 2005

Price of efficiency

In 2004-05, the Revenue spent £4.91 million on management consultants and Customs spent £0.75 million. John Healey said that the 'advice of the consultants has contributed towards the planning and implementing of the department's efficiency plans'. Worth every penny, then.
Hansard, 10 October 2005, vol 437, no 43, col 281w

Price of efficiency

In 2004-05, the Revenue spent £4.91 million on management consultants and Customs spent £0.75 million. John Healey said that the 'advice of the consultants has contributed towards the planning and implementing of the department's efficiency plans'. Worth every penny, then.
Hansard, 10 October 2005, vol 437, no 43, col 281w

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