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Update - Other news

16 November 2005 / Mike Truman
Categories: News
Free breakfast briefing in London; Administration of tax credits

Tax for breakfast

Come to Taxation's free breakfast briefing on 13 December 2005 at 8.30am in central London. Mike Truman will talk about UITF 40 and Chris Jones will discuss pensions and A-Day. Spaces are limited to 150; in order to reserve a place, please e-mail


Tax credits

The Treasury Sub-Committee has agreed to undertake an inquiry into the administration of tax credits. The sub-committee would be happy to receive evidence from interested parties, but specifically requests that those submitting written evidence address future solutions in their evidence, rather than rake over past administrative decisions and practices.
The deadline for submissions is 8 December. Submissions should be sent by e-mail to
Treasury Committee press notice 7 dated 9 November 2005

Categories: News
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