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26 April 2006
Categories: News

Federation of Tax Advisers

Those working in tax are being offered limited opportunity to join the Federation of Tax Advisers before it introduces a new examination-entry requirement from 1 June 2006. The federation represents experienced tax professionals who often do not have any other qualification. It is particularly popular with experienced, time-barred accountants, HMRC staff and those who leave HMRC for practice. Its members are normally involved in the administration of self assessment tax.

Federation of Tax Advisers

Those working in tax are being offered limited opportunity to join the Federation of Tax Advisers before it introduces a new examination-entry requirement from 1 June 2006. The federation represents experienced tax professionals who often do not have any other qualification. It is particularly popular with experienced, time-barred accountants, HMRC staff and those who leave HMRC for practice. Its members are normally involved in the administration of self assessment tax.
The FTA was established in 1997 and admits individuals to membership who can demonstrate a level of competence and experience in tax. From 1 June, entry will normally be by examination, though very experienced tax advisers may be able to join through accredited prior learning. The new examination is being run in association with the training provider, BPP. The training programme will be based on the Finance Act 2006 and the study manual will be available in September 2006 in readiness for the first examinations scheduled for March 2007.
Further details and an application form are available at
A spokesperson for the FTA says that the FTA is talking to the Chartered Institute of Taxation about the relaunch and does not foresee any problems as the FTA is 'lower level than the CIOT and Association of Tax Technicians'. He says that it 'fills a gap in the market for those who mainly do self assessment work and do not want to take the ATT exams which also cover company law and accountancy'. Paul Harmsworth, chief executive officer of the FTA, adds that 'the FTA offers a chance for such experienced professionals to gain the recognition they deserve'.


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