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Write to your MP!

01 June 2006 / Mike Truman
Issue: 4060 / Categories: Comment & Analysis , Admin
MIKE TRUMAN asks for your help in the 'No to November' campaign.

SIGN EDM 2262! That is the message that we need you to send to your MPs as soon as possible. Write to them e-mail them even turn up at their surgeries if you feel strongly enough about it.
EDM stands for Early Day Motion. In practice the motion will not be debated but it is a way of raising issues and showing the strength of feeling about them by the number of MPs who sign them. Taxation has co-ordinated the tabling of a motion dealing with the proposed November tax return deadline. It is called 'Carter review and filing deadlines for self-assessment tax returns' and has the reference number EDM 2622.
The EDM says that the proposal was introduced without proper consultation with taxpayers or advisers that it will lead to an increase in the number of provisional returns that need...

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