That's a no!
The acceleration of tax return filing dates would work against policy objective according to the results of a recent survey produced by the various professional accounting and tax bodies. The professional bodies have summarised the results of the survey and passed them to HMRC and the Treasury as part of their response to the partial regulatory impact assessment on Lord Carter's review of HMRC online services.
See the 'No to November' campaign update on page 266 for more coverage of the response.
Worshipful lunch
The Right Honourable Lord Mayor was principal guest and speaker at the Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers civil luncheon which was held at the Butcher's Hall on 25 May when he was presented with a cheque towards his charity Trelors. The Master who presided, district judge, Erica Stary, also presented a cheque to the company's main charities, TaxAid and Tax Volunteers.
For information about the company, visit
New style exam
The first newly structured ATT examination is only one year away, so potential candidates need to start thinking about training.
Under the new structure, students have to pass any of seven free-standing papers. This can be done on a modular basis, allowing students not only flexibility in when they sit the papers but also providing eligibility for a certificate of competency for each paper that is passed. Students have to pass three core papers: personal taxation, business taxation and accounting principles, and practice administration and ethics, and one non-core paper, choosing from business taxation higher skills, inheritance tax trusts and estates, VAT and business compliance. In addition, students must have a period of practical experience before they can become members.
Tolley Tax Training has recently launched its study material and courses for the new exam structure and Simon Groom, head of tax training at Tolley said: 'We are providing material and courses for all seven papers and, even though the formal classroom courses do not start until September, we are currently able to offer material for students wishing to start studying in advance of that date'.
For further information, visit, or contact Simon Groom, tel: 020 7400 4630, e-mail: