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17 May 2007
Categories: News , Investments

New look R40

HMRC have redesigned the R40 'Tax repayment form'. This form is used by around 600,000 people every year, mainly pensioners, married women and children, to claim back tax deducted from bank or building society interest, or other investment income.
The new four-page form has the same look and feel as the short self assessment tax return, introduced last year, and follows a successful two-year trial involving around 1,000 people.

New look R40

HMRC have redesigned the R40 'Tax repayment form'. This form is used by around 600,000 people every year, mainly pensioners, married women and children, to claim back tax deducted from bank or building society interest, or other investment income.
The new four-page form has the same look and feel as the short self assessment tax return, introduced last year, and follows a successful two-year trial involving around 1,000 people.
R40 forms issued this year will be accompanied by a flyer, explaining how the new form works and how to fill it in. This can be viewed at PAYE taxpayers who have filled in a form R40 in earlier years should receive a new form automatically.  Non-PAYE taxpayers will receive a replacement new form as and when they submit a claim for repayment during 2007-08. HMRC will continue to accept old versions of the R40 form.
HMRC news release dated 16 May 2007

Categories: News , Investments
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