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News-other-Pensions Act 2007

30 July 2007
Categories: News , Investments
Pensions Bill Royal Assent on 26 July

The Pensions Act 2007

The Pensions Bill received its Royal Assent on 26 July 2007 and is now the Pensions Act 2007. The main aims of the Act are to make it easier for a person to qualify for a basic state pension by reducing to 30 the number of years needed to achieve a full basic state pension; to simplify both state and private pensions; to make the basic state pension more generous by restoring the link with earnings (by 2012 at the earliest); and to raise the state pension age to reflect increasing longevity and to encourage extended working lives.
HMRC news release, 27 July 2007

Categories: News , Investments
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