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Warning over tax returns for non-residents

24 September 2007
Categories: News , Residence & domicile
PricewaterhouseCoopers has moved to give notice to taxpayers who enjoy non-domicile or non-resident status that HMRC have updated their line of questioning on the latest self-assessment tax returns — and people's answers may well lead to extra enquiries.

As a result, the company has urged the non-domiciled to take extra care when completing and filing their returns in time for the 30 September 'deadline'.

PwC tax partner Leonie Kerswill highlighted some areas in which respondents should take extra care. These include a query about the number of occasions present in the UK. This, she warned, is significantly different to the similar 'how many days' question.

Leonie said: 'This will paint quite a different picture of a person's status and their time spent in the country — and it could help HMRC look into a taxpayer's fact pattern more closely.

'The assumption must be that the demand for more information by HMRC will lead to extra questions for more non-domiciled and non-resident taxpayers than ever before, particularly those who have adopted the status for the first time.'

Categories: News , Residence & domicile
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