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Income shifting consultation: Q6

07 February 2008
Categories: Income Tax
Do you believe that the consultation stage impact assessment in Annex C accurately represents the likely impacts on business and the costs that they would incur? If not, what do you believe are the likely impacts and costs and for what reasons?

You will find the impact assessment right at the back of the consultation document on page 31 et seq.

The summary suggests that there will be no ongoing costs incurred by businesses although there will be an as yet unquantified one off cost :

'Small companies and partnerships where income shifting strategies are being followed could incur one-off transitional costs through needing additional professional advice.'

On the other hand the impact assessment expects a net annual BENEFIT from reduced administration as partnerships become sole traders again (companies are thought unilkely to disincorporate). You may want to comment on whether you think this is true.

One assumption in the impact assessment is that:

'The yield is based on the effect of clearer more effective legislation which clarifies the Government's position on income shifting.'

You may want to comment on whether you believe the legislation...

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