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IHT is UK's most hated tax

18 February 2008
Categories: News , Inheritance Tax
31% want end to 'death levy', claims poll

Inheritance tax has been voted the UK's most hated tax.

Nearly a third (31%) of the population would like to see the so-called death tax killed off, according to a new poll conducted by Co-operative Financial Services.

IHT is followed in the unpopularity stakes by stamp duty, with 23% of respondents voicing their dislike.

And 21% want the Chancellor to abolish council tax at the Budget on 12 March.

In fourth place is fuel and road duty with 15% of the vote.

Despite income tax being the largest deduction for most of the nation's taxpayers, fewer than one in ten (9%) want to see the end of PAYE.

Categories: News , Inheritance Tax
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