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New SA return launched

09 April 2008
Categories: News , Income Tax
Fewer questions, simpler language, improved layout

This week sees the launch of the revamped self assessment return.

HMRC claim that the new-look document has fewer questions, simpler language and an improved layout.

It has been designed to be easier for all SA taxpayers to understand and complete - in particular for those who don't employ an accountant to take care of their return.

Other changes include:

  • Questions about less common types of income and reliefs have been moved to a new, separate Additional Information page.
  • A two-page form with fewer boxes to complete has been introduced for small businesses with an annual turnover below £64,000.
  • The taxpayer's main source of income is now at the front of the return, rather than the end, ensuring people answer questions most relevant to them first.

A redesigned version of the online self assessment return is also now available.

The changes have been made following a two-year pilot that involved more than 7,000 SA taxpayers.

Categories: News , Income Tax
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