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22 April 2008
Issue: 4155 / Categories: Comment & Analysis
From: Angela White MP; To: Gordon Brown; Re: NOT my resignation

That confidential memo that was accidentally left in the photocopier the e-mail sent 'Reply all' by mistake:  they all make their way to Whistleblower. Or so he says...

From: Angela White MP
To: Gordon Brown
Re: NOT my resignation

[Track changes: ON]

'Dear [Wobbly Chops] Prime Minister

'Please regard this as my letter of [resignation due to] support for this Government's fiscal [incompetence] mastery.

'I [must step down from] will happily continue in my position as [beleaguered lackey] parliamentary private secretary to [that harpy] the esteemed Yvette Cooper [one of your evil little wizards] chief secretary to the Treasury.

'This can be my only action in response to your [preposterous illogical] bold forward-thinking and downright [idiotic] courageous decision to abolish the 10% tax band.

'The move will do nought but benefit the country's [bloated rich] many deserving entrepreneurs you have...

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