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Digital TV tax is a winner

25 April 2008
Categories: News
CIOT honours students' Budget idea

Tax advisers may have to explain a new levy to their clients — this time on broadband internet and digital TV usage.

That's if Alistair Darling takes the advice of students at Beauchamp College in Leicester, who won this year's Challenge the Chancellor competition.

The annual Budget-related contest for A-level pupils is organised by the CIOT.

The organisation's president, Rob Ellerby, praised the victorious suggestion for showing 'a thoughtful way of using taxes to change behaviour'.

He added: 'This is something that policy makers are exploring more and more'.

The members of the winning team - Sawan Kotecha, Anuj Patel and Arjun Patel - were officially congratulated by Jane Kennedy, financial secretary to the Treasury. 

Rob Ellerby said: 'Yet again, we saw excellent contributions from students up and down the country. 

'The CIOT is committed to ensuring that everyone in the UK understands tax issues and the Challenge the Chancellor competition makes an important contribution to that end.'

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