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Online VAT 1 made more accessible

30 July 2008
Categories: News , Admin , VAT
Update for applicants with visual impairments

Online VAT 1 has been updated to reflect the content of the revised paper VAT 1 released in December 2006.

HMRC say that the changes are to improve accessibility for applicants with visual impairments. For example: users no longer have to select from drop-down menus.

Key changes include:

  • The business activities screen incorporates new SIC 2007 trade class descriptions.
  • The business accounts screen includes a free text box for applicants who have not provided their bank details to explain why they are unable to do so. A free text box is also provided for applicants to explain 'reason for receiving repayments'.
  • Applicant's personal details — the home telephone number and date of birth have been added.
  • Improved clarity:

–  for fields designated as 'required information', each screen has a sub-heading advising that certain questions have to be completed and individual questions which contain required information are now marked with an asterisk;
–  design changes have been made to improve accessibility for users with visual impairment, including change of date field that was previously drop down menus to a single free text box, certain drop down menus amended to a 'please select' option as default, and simplified navigation buttons;
–  screen title headings have been standardised to help navigation; and
–  improvements made to the on-screen hyperlinks to other sources of information.

In addition, taxpayers wishing to register for VAT online before they begin trading are now able to do so.

Categories: News , Admin , VAT
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