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19 August 2008 / John Cullinane
Categories: Comment & Analysis , Residence & domicile
The potentially confusing issue of residence in the UK is explored by JOHN CULLINANE

David Taxable stared indecisively at Anne Evans. His tax adviser was a pleasant woman but in truth he often flagged in their meetings before getting through everything he had wanted to talk about.

And not really because of the fees it was just that the subject was so heavy going however well she explained it. Even the fascinating snippets you learned about the tax system — well many of them weren't really that fascinating and the ones that were were often pretty annoying as well.

'Is there something else on your mind David?' Anne interrupted his mental drift.

'Well there's Lucy you know Heather's niece. Only if I'm honest I'm not sure I want to open a can of worms.'

'Well tell me about it.'

The tour rep

So the story emerged. Lucy was a tour company rep. She...

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