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Fear of Revenue u-turn on Q6 pledge

21 January 2009
Categories: News , P35 , Income Tax
Will those who answered 'yes' be assessed as higher risk?

Taxation has been alerted to a potential problem regarding the controversial service company question (Q6) from last year's P35 form.

HMRC wrote to reader Steve Barrett, a tax agent, to note that one of his clients had answered yes but had not submitted an additional P35 showing final figures, which were needed 'as a matter of urgency'.

Mr Barrett told us: 'I spoke to the [Revenue] and expressed my surprise at the letter, as I had never received one like this in previous years - and they kindly informed me that these letters have been sent out to every company that answered Q6 [with a] yes.

'Does this suggest that HMRC are going to go back on their assurance that those who answered yes would not be assessed [as a] higher risk for an assurance visit?'

We have approached the department regarding the matter, and expect a response soon.

In the meantime, readers are invited to email us if they have had the same experience as Steve.

Categories: News , P35 , Income Tax
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