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Client code expiry warning is genuine

07 September 2010
Issue: 4271 / Categories: News , ICAEW Tax Faculty , Admin
ICEAW confirms validity of curious HMRC email

The ICAEW Tax Faculty has advised agents that they may receive an email from HMRC reminding them that an authorisation code, which has been posted to a client to activate an online filing service for a particular tax, is about to expire.

The message comes from and reads:

‘You have recently requested an authorisation code to enable you to act online for your client(s). The authorisation code is due to expire for the following client(s). Client Name Agent Client Reference Service Expiry Date Bloggins LLP XX/ABC123 HMCE-VATDEC-ORG 26-08-2010 If you wish to be authorised for this client, you will need to enter the authorisation code by this date, otherwise your request will be deleted. You would then need to repeat the process by requesting a new authorisation code. Please do not reply to this email as it has been automatically generated. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, please delete it immediately.’

The Tax Faculty checked the validity of the email with the Revenue in light of members’ concerns that the missives were fraudulent.

The department explained that the online agent authorisation sends out such messages to offer agents the opportunity to remind a client who has been slow to pass on the code.

The emails are generated by HMRC's Channel Routing Interface Service (ChRIS ), which explains the seemingly odd sender address.

Issue: 4271 / Categories: News , ICAEW Tax Faculty , Admin
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