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Chalk and cheese

18 January 2011 / Neil Warren
Issue: 4288 / Categories: Comment & Analysis , VAT
NEIL WARREN considers the unusual rules that determine the VAT liability of training services supplied by a UK business


  • Training is exempt if supplied by a sole trader or partner.
  • Incorporation can make training a standard-rated supply.
  • Is the subject ‘ordinarily taught in a school or university’?
  • Common problem areas with training issues.
  • Implications of overseas supplies.

An accountant that I act for has a very clear opinion about the nation’s favourite tax (VAT of course). His view is that it is logical and straightforward for 95% of the time but it is the other 5% that can catch you out in a serious way.

 I can see where he is coming from: VAT can sometimes appear as illogical and stupid as it would be for me to challenge world boxing champion David Haye to 12 rounds in the ring.

In this article I am going to highlight...

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