In the letter to her MP, Jim Sheridan, Amanda Lambert’s first point highlighted a tendency for HMRC staff members to refuse to give their names. We took this matter up with the Revenue and have received the following comment.
‘Staff guidance clearly directs our people to give their first name within the greeting at the opening of the call. It also states that a staff member should give their full name (forename and surname) to a caller if they request it. This is not optional.
‘Similarly, if a customer wants to complain they are referred to a line manager to try to resolve the issue without a formal complaint. If they ask, the adviser should tell them:
- their own full name, including forename and surname; and
- the name of any line manager, from a local line manager to head of contact centres.
‘Exceptionally, if a staff member can demonstrate that providing their full name places them at risk of being targeted or threatened outside of work, their line manager may allow them not to give their name. To be honest, we can’t see that happening.
‘So we are in the wrong; it’s not right that this has happened. If your reader wants us to take this up we can get a letter of apology out. There is no excuse for this kind of Victorian behaviour.’